saturday 21/05/2016

Saturday 21/05/2016 Monthly Medal

A Grade Gross B Adams 75
Nett A Treweek 65

B Grade Gross L Mayne 81
Nett Larry Mayne 62

C Grade Gross T Flanagan 92
Nett P Armstrong 65

4/13 A Treweek
6/15 S Cooke
8/17 B Adams
Super Pin S Cooke

Balls to 67 L Dean M Lynch 66 P Shaw G Davis P Leonard

Monthly Medal Winner Larry Mayne

Wednesday 18/05/2016 Associates Stableford

1st P Corney 30
2nd L Munnings 28
2nd Shot 6/15 F Harriss
1st 9 Holes P Corney 17

saturday 14/05/2016

Saturday 14/05/2016 2nd round foursome championships

Division 1 Gross J Steele P Shaw 79 c/b
Nett D Parker D Salter 82- 16.5- 65.5

Division 2 Gross P Leonard O Batchinger 86
Nett R Wagner W Roberts 90-25 -65

4/13 J Maschall
6/15 G Davis
8/17 P Leonard

Super Pin G Davis

Overall Championships

Division 1 Gross B Adams N Sculthorpe 158

Overall Nett P Shaw J Steele 161 - 29 -132

Division 2 Gross P Leonard O Batchinger 173 c/b

Thursday 12/05/2016 Stableford

1. M Childs 38 c/b
2. P Armstrong 38
3. D Parker 36
4. G Stirling 35 c/b
5. Dale Potter 35

4/13 L Dean
6/15 Dale Potter
8/17 Dale Potter

Balls to 34

M Kitchener J Marschall

saturday 07/05/2016

Saturday 07/05/2016 1st round foursomes championships

Division 1 Gross B Adams N Sculthorpe 77
Nett G Davis M Lynch 80-15-65

Division 2 Gross L Mayne L Mayne 84
Nett J Grdas B Dunbabin 89-21-68
4/13 B Dunbabin
6/15 M Lynch
8/17 M Childs

Super Pin M Lynch

Thursday 05/05/2016 Stableford

1. M Lynch 39 c/b
2. R Kent 39
3. L Mayne 37
4. J Marschall 34
5. K Dean 33

4/13 M Childs
6/15 J Marschall
8/17 R Goward

Wednesday 04/05/2016 Associates Stableford

1st Di Bailey 32
2nd L Munnings 29
3rd Sue Richardson 28

Least putts Back 9 M McDermott 13

Saturday 30/04/2016

Saturday 30/04/2016 4 BBB Aggregate Stableford

1. M Childs B Polanowski 75
2. J Grdas J Steele 73
3. M Childs Larry Mayne 72
4. R Wagner C Males 70 c/b
5. T Flanagan K Shutlar 70
Best Stableford score M Childs 39

4/13 G Males
6/15 B Polanowski
8/17 G Stirling

Super Pin K Shutlar

Thursday 28/04/2016 Stableford
1. O Batchinger 35 c/b
2. L Dean 35
3. R Kent 34
4. R Goward 33

4/13 R Biedka
6/15 O Batchinger
8/17 J Grdas

Wednesday 27/04/2016 Associates Foursomes 3rd Round.

Gross Winners P Corney P Jenkins 91

Runners Up Sue Richardson Ali J Salter 92

Nett Winners P Corney P Jenkins (23.5) 67.5

Runners Up Sal Richardson D Bailey (22.5) 70.5

NTP 4/13 D Bailey

Foursomes 54 Holes

Gross Winners Ali J Salter 267

Runners Up D Bailey Sal Richardson 285

Nett Winners Ali J Salter Sue Richardson 267-60-207

Runners Up J Mayne H McConnon 290-75-215

Best 9 Holes overall A J Salter Sue Richardson 40 -10 - 30

Saturday 23/04/2016

Saturday 23/04/2016 Stroke

A Grade Gross B Adams 75
Nett R Harriss 75-11-64

B Grade Gross R Calder 82
Nett K Shultlar 83-18-65

C Grade Gross T Flanagan 93
Nett S Burdon 94-28-66

Balls to 67 R Goodman 66 G Males B Polanowski

4/13 J Turner
6/15 R Harriss
8/17 R Calder
Super Pin R Harriss

Thursday 21/04/2016 Stableford

1. R Goward 36
2. R Mclaren 33 c/b

6/15 D Stirling

Wednesday 20/04/2016 Associates Foursomes Championships

Gross Winners A J Salter Sue Richardson 92 c/b
Runners Up J Mayne H McConnon 92

Nett Winners J Mayne H McConnon 92-25-67
Runners Up P Corney P Jenkins 95-23.5-71.5

saturday 16/04/16

Saturday 16/04/16 Stroke Monthly Medal

A Grade Gross R Oreilly c/b 75
Nett R Kent 78-14-64

B Grade Gross J Turner 82
Nett G Davis 80-17-63

C Grade Gross R Biedka 92
Nett M Blinstone 93-27-66

Bals to 66 G Stirling

4/13 B Dunbabin
6/15 J Turner
8/17 R Harriss

Super Pin J Turner
Monthly Medal Winner G Davis 63

Thursday 14/04/2016 Stableford

1. D Clifford 39 c/b
2. B Polanowski 39
3. T Martin 38
4. D Ewart 37 c/b
5. P Shaw 37
6. R Wagner 36 c/b

4/13 A Lane
6/15 N Sculthorpe
8/17 Dale Potter

Balls to 35 A Lane 36 R Goward L Dean

Wednesday 13/04/2016 Associates Foursomes 1st round

Gross Winners Sue Richardson / Ali J Salter 83
Runners Up Sal Richardson / Di Bailey 94

Nett Winners Sue Richardson / Ali J Salter (20) 63
Runners Up Di Bailey / Sal Richardson (22.5) 71.5

NTP 4/13 Ali J Salter
Best 9 Holes Sue Richardson / Ali J Salter 40-10-30

Saturday 09/04/2016

Saturday 09/04/2016 Stableford

A Grade 1st N Sculthorpe 38
2nd R Harriss 36 c/b

B Grade 1st L Mayne 41
2nd J Grdas 40

C Grade 1st S Burdon 42
2nd P Armstrong 37

Balls to 36 K Shutlar 37 B Adams J Turner

4/13 R Calder
6/15 L Dean
8/17 P Sarossy

Super Pin L Dean

Thursday 07/04/2016 Stableford

1. J Grdas 37 c/b
2. L Dean 37
3. N Sculthorpe 37
4. M Lynch 35 c/b
5. R Kent 35
6. R Biedka 35

4/13 B Joyce
6/15 J Grdas
8/17 M Lynch

Wednesday 06/04/2016 Associates Stroke Monthly Medal

Winner Monthly Medal F Harriss 95-25-70
Runner Up Nett Ali J Salter 102-30-72
2nd Runner Up Nett P Jenkins 98-25-73

Best 9 Holes D Bailey 47-12.5-34.5

NTP D Harwood
Least Putts M McDermott F Harriss 29

Saturday 2nd April 2016

Saturday 2/4/2016 Stroke

A Grade
Gross G Stirling 81
Nett N Sculthorpe 69

B Grade
Gross R Goodman 84
Nett M Lynch 66

C Grade
Gross R Wise 92
Nett W Roberts 62

4/13 K Shutlar
6/15 R Kent
8/17 W Lynch

Balls to 68 T Flanagan 67 G Young 68

Super Pin R Kent

Thursday 31/3/2016 Stableford

1. M Kitchener 39 c/b
2. T Neil 39
3. O Bachinger 38
4. P Dwyer 37
5. J Parker 36 c/b
6. Don Potter 36

4/13 G Stirling
6/15 R Kent

Balls to 35: K Dean J Marschall

Wednesday 30/3/2016 Chicken Run
1. M Sproule 22 c/b
2. M Cunningham 22
3. A Fisher 20 c/b
4. G Davis 20
5. N Sculthorpe 20
6. A Treweek 20

NTP A Fisher

saturday 26/03/2016

Saturday 26/03/2016 Stroke

A Grade Gross J Steele 76
Nett B Adams 72-9-63 c/b

B Grade Gross R Goodman 83 c/b
Nett K Shutlar 81-19-62

C Grade Gross R Goward 100
Nett P Dwyer 91-27-64

4/13 L Dean
6/15 G Stirling
8/17 G Kent
Super Pin B Adams

Balls to 67 J Grdas Larry Mayne G Kent

Thursday 24/03/2016 Stableford

1. O Batchinger 36
2. B Joyce 33
4/13 M Lynch
6/15 D Stirling

Balls to 31 L Dean D Clifford 32 K Shutlar R Goward R Kent

Wednesday 23/03/2016 Chicken Run
1. W Thomas 22
2. B Joyce 20
3. J Marschall 19 c/b
4. P Martin 19
1. P Jenkins 21
2. J Mayne 18

Members J Steele
Associates P Jenkins

Associates Stableford

1st P Jenkins 36
2nd Ali J Salter 34

Novelty J Fehlberg

saturday 19/03/2016

Saturday 19/03/2016

4 BBB Stableford

1st B Dunbabin J Steele 44 pts
2nd P Shaw G Jrdas 43
3rd D Salter R Wagner 42 c/b
4th N Sculthorpe P Willis 42

Balls to 40 S Cooke B Adams 41 J Parker J Marschall 40 P Leonard L Mayne 40

4/13 G Davis
6/15 J Turner
8/17 M Childs

Super Pin Jim Turner

Thursday 17/03/2016 Stableford
1. P Armstrong 40
2. M Kitchener 38
3. D Clifford 36 c/b
4. J Steele 36
5. D Rolph 36
6. R Kent 35

4/13 O Batchinger
6/15 P Evans
8/17 D Rolph

Wednesday 16/03/2016 Chicken Run
1. H Sealy 18
2. T Flanagan 17 c/b
3. S Sweeney 17 c/b
4. S Cowen 17
5. P Sarossy 16 c/b

1. Sal Richardson 17
2. Alison Salter 15 c/b

Members T Neil

Associates Stroke

Nett Winner F Harriss 98-25-73 c/b
Nett Runner Up J Mayne 98-25-73 c/b
2nd Runner Up Nett Sue Richardson 83-10-73
Novelty 3rd Shot 18th Lyn Munnings
International Bowl Round 2 Silver Sue Richardson 73
Bronze 1 F Harriss 73
Bronze 2 A J Salter 76


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