Wednesday 20th March - Ladies Stroke

1st L Mace 72 C/B
2nd Sue Richardson 72
3rd D Bailey 73

Least Putts - Sue Richardson 30, D Bailey 30

Saturday 16th March - 3-4 Person Ambrose

1st D McKibben, N Sculthorpe, M Brazendale & L Beasley 52.625
2nd M McPherson, T Barnes, S Vincent & D Alomes 53.5 C/B
3rd T Lacy, L Lacy, A Lacy & D Jarvis 53.5
4th J Turner, T Suris, B Adams, P Willis 54.625
5th Oliver, D Wray, P ummins & A Brumby 55.125
6th W Barnard, O Bachinger, G Males & M Direen 55.25
7th N Joyce, M Joyce & T Bartonek 56.167
8th B Polanowski, P Mayne, B Joyce & M Childs 56.25

NTP - 4th/13th W Barnard 334cm, 6th/15th D Harrison 587cm, 8th/17th M Childs 144cm

Super Pin - D Harrison 587cm

NTP 2nd shot 7th - M Joyce

Longest Drive 3rd (men) - T Barnes

Longest Drive 3rd (women) - M Direen

Thursday 14th March - Stableford

1st J Marschall 37
2nd G Stirling 35 C/B
3rd T Suris 35 C/B
4th I Ward 35
5th J Turner 34 C/B
6th J Steele 34 C/B
7th C Cowen 34 C/B
8th M Childs 34

BDL - S Toghill 33, W Barnard 33, O Bachinger 33, M Lynch 32

NTP - 4th/13th J Turner 256cm, 6th/15th J Marschall 192cm, 8th/17th S Attoni 283cm

Super Pin - J Marschall 192cm

Wednesday 13th March - Twilight 9 hole Stableford

1st L Broomhall 25
2nd K Steele 22
3rd S Toghill 21
4th N Stuart 19 C/B
5th M Ingram 19 C/B
6th J Turner 19
7th B Kingston 18 C/B

BDL - M Direen 18, C McCormack 18, W Barnard 18

NTP - 4th N Stuart 452cm

Super Pin - N Stuart 679cm

Wednesday 13th March - Ladies' Stroke

1st A Salter 64
2nd P Jenkins 72
3rd Sue Richardson 73

NTP - 6th P Jenkins

Silver Spoon 2 - A Salter
International Bowl 2 - P Jenkins

Saturday 9th March 2024

Monthly Medal Winner March N. Sice 64 C/B

A Grade
1st G. Stirling 64
2nd Brett Adams 67
3rd W. Barnard 68

Best Gross - B. Adams 74

B Grade
1st N. Sice 64
2nd B. Harriss 68
3rd J. Marchall 69 C/B

Best Gross - N. Sice 82

C Grade
1st J. Miley 70
2nd R. Goward 71
3rd M. Goward 72

Best Gross - M. Goward 94

BDL to 72 - K. Shutler, K. Dean 69, J. Turner 70, N. Sculthorpe 71, I. Ward 72

NTP - 4th/13th B. McDermott 318cm, 6th/15th M. Goward 327cm
SUPER PIN: M. Goward 327cm
Special Score: W. Barnard - Eagle on the 18th

Thursday 7th March - Stableford and Super 6

1st K Miley 42
2nd D Potter 38
3rd J Marschall 37 C/B
4th D Banovic 37 C/B
5th M Lynch 37 C/B
6th J Turner 37
7th S Toghill 36 C/B
8th Michael McDermott 36

BDL - D Graddon 35, B Harriss 35, M Turner 35, O Bachinger 34, N Hume 34, J Miley 34, G Kline 34

NTP - 4th/13th J Turner 217cm, 6th/15th B Harriss 326cm, 8th/17th M Childs 399cm

Super Pin - B Harriss 326cm

Super 6 winner - J Parker 15

Wednesday 6th March - 9 Hole Twilight Stableford

1st M Ingram 24
2nd H Thorne 23
3rd Sue Richardson 21 C/B
4th W Barnard 21
5th K Shutlar 19
6th L Mace 18 C/B

BDL - B Faella 18, A Salter 16, Brett Adams 16

NTP - 4th R Toghill 219cm, 17th C Ingram 431cm

Super Pin - W Barnard 123cm

Wednesday 6th March - Ladies' Stableford

1st D Bailey 36
2nd F Harriss 31
3rd P Jenkins 29

Saturday 2nd March - Stableford

A Grade
1st Brett Adams 38 C/B
2nd G Kline 38
3rd R O'Reilly 37
4th G Stirling 35

B Grade
1st M Partridge 41
2nd D Howard 37
3rd L Beasley 36
4th K Shutlar 35

C Grade
1st M Brazendale 42
2nd K Miley 38
3rd B Dunbabin 36
4th M Kennedy 35 C/B

BDL - M Ingram 35, J Pearson 34, J Turner 34, M Childs 34, S Hine-Haycock 34, P Mayne 34

NTP - 4th/13th L Beasley 266cm, 6th/15th G Males 295cm, 8th/17th L Beasley 144cm

Super Pin - G Males 295cm


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